Episode 67 – The Future of D&D

In episode 67 of “Passion of the Geeks”, Pat is clueless about ASMR and shares his love for Star Trek Prodigy, while Greg explains how much he enjoyed the Guardians of the Galaxy game and why he’s excited about X-Men 97. Then they decide to play some Forza Horizon 5 together. For their main topic they discuss the future of D&D and their hopes and ideas for the next iteration coming in 2024.


Today I found out.

  • ASMR (Autonomous sensory meridian response) (Pat)
  • Bautista and Momoa sold a buddy comedy to MGM, Disney+ announced X-Men 97 (Greg)

Check this Out!

  • Star Trek Prodigy & Forza Horizon 5 (Pat)
  • Red Notice, No Time to Die, Shang-Chi (Greg)

Story of the Week

  • The new edition of Dungeons & Dragons


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