Episode 66 – Getting into Retro-Gaming: C64 Games Follow-Up (unplugged)

In this week’s “Passion of the Geeks – Unplugged”, Pat proves that the C64-scene is very alive by showing you five great recently released new games for the old bread-box … or maybe six.


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Episode 62 – Games Follow-Up: Dune (unplugged)

In this week’s “Passion of the Geeks – Unplugged”, Pat picks up the momentum from episode 60 and talks again about Dune. But this time, he covers games based on Frank Herbert’s masterpiece.


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Episode 50 – Games Follow-Up: Jules Verne (unplugged)

In this week’s “Passion of the Geeks – Unplugged”, Pat briefly looks at some games based directly on the books of Jules Verne and looks ahead to an indie title that might scratch that gaming Jules Verne novel itch.

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