Episode 19 – Streaming Roundup #1 (unplugged)

In this episode of “Passion of the Geeks unplugged”, Greg talks about the shows he’s been streaming recently.

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Episode 6 – Epic Score Cues

In the 6th episode of “Passion of the Geeks” Pat & Greg hope the best for the Uncharted movie, discuss some Enola Holmes copyright shenanigans and recommend some old and new trash classics. In their main topic they share some of their favorite epic score cues. 

Today I found out. (1:17)

  • Enola Holmes and the strange lawsuit about a nice Sherlock Holmes (Pat)
  • Uncharted Movie begins principal photography (Greg)

Check this Out! (8:21)

  • Barbarella – Queen of the Galaxy (Pat)
  • Warrior Nun, The Old Guard on Netflix and Hamilton on Disney+ (Greg)

Story of the Week (15:07)

  • Epic Score Cues

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