Episode 59 – Tales From the IT-Trenches: The Millenium Bug (unplugged)

In this week’s “Passion of the Geeks – Unplugged”, Pat remembers something that was a huge part of his early IT career: The Millennium Bug.

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Episode 55 – Getting Into Retro-Gaming #2: C64 (unplugged)

In this week’s “Passion of the Geeks – Unplugged”, Pat looks at another retro-system, which – based on several suggestions – might be even easier to get into retro-gaming: The Commodore 64.


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Episode 54 – MarvelMania

In this weeks episode, Pat & Greg return from their summer hiatus. Pat shares his love for the Masters of the Universe: Revelation while Greg offends pretty much everyone. For their main topic in this special MarvelMania episode, they review Loki and Black Widow.


Today I found out.

  • The A500 Mini (Pat)
  • Scarlett Johansson is suing Disney (Greg)

Check this Out!

  • Masters of the Universe: Revelation (Pat)
  • The Suicide Squad (Greg)

Story of the Week

Loki & Black Widow


Links & Sources

Please like, share and subscribe to “Passion of the Geeks”. We’re on all mayor podcasting services, YouTube and on www.passionofthegeeks.com.

You can send questions and suggestions to passionofthegeeks@gmail.com and you can find us on twitter @passionotgeeks

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Episode 52 – Getting Into Retro-Gaming #1: DOS (unplugged)

In this week’s “Passion of the Geeks – Unplugged”, Pat shows you the easiest way to get into retro-gaming: playing retro DOS games emulated.


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Episode 50 – Games Follow-Up: Jules Verne (unplugged)

In this week’s “Passion of the Geeks – Unplugged”, Pat briefly looks at some games based directly on the books of Jules Verne and looks ahead to an indie title that might scratch that gaming Jules Verne novel itch.

Links & Sources

Please like, share and subscribe to “Passion of the Geeks”. We’re on all mayor podcasting services, YouTube and on www.passionofthegeeks.com

You can send questions and suggestions to passionofthegeeks@gmail.com and you can find us on twitter @passionotgeeks 

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Episode 48 – Geek-Parent #2 – Dealing With Frustration And Failure (unplugged)

In this week’s “Passion of the Geeks – Unplugged”, Pat talks about how the joys of being a Geek-Parent can quickly turn into a lot of unhappy family-members. And he touches one of the biggest mistakes gamers – especially beginners and children – make: How hard it is to let it go.

Please like, share and subscribe to “Passion of the Geeks”. We’re on all mayor podcasting services, YouTube and on www.passionofthegeeks.com

You can send questions and suggestions to passionofthegeeks@gmail.com and you can find us on twitter @passionotgeeks 

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Episode 45 – Fully 3D Open-Worlds: GTA 3 on the Amiga! (unplugged)

In this week’s “Passion of the Geeks – Unplugged”, Pat remembers two games that were like GTA 3 before there was GTA 3 – on the Amiga no less! Well, okay, the second one is more like Far Cry 3 on the Amiga … kind of.

Two fully 3D open-world games from 30 years ago!

Links & Sources

Please like, share and subscribe to “Passion of the Geeks”. We’re on all mayor podcasting services and on www.passionofthegeeks.com.

You can send questions and suggestions to passionofthegeeks@gmail.com and you can find us on twitter @passionotgeeks 

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Episode 42 – The Changing Narration in Adventure Games (unplugged)

In this weeks “Passion of the Geeks – Unplugged”, Pat looks at how narration worked in adventure games, why using a narrator made sense, and how and why it changed over time.

Please like, share and subscribe to “Passion of the Geek”s. We’re on all mayor podcasting services and on www.passionofthegeeks.com.

You can send questions and suggestions to passionofthegeeks@gmail.com and you can find us on twitter @passionotgeeks 

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