Episode 35 – Let’s Pitch Star Trek

In episode 35 of “Passion of the Geeks”, Pat & Greg share some final thoughts on that Justice League movie, share some film, TV and video game news before they try something new: Both of them pitch each other a Star Trek show. 

Today I found out.

  • The Orville Season 3 is coming… (Pat)
  • Netflix and Sony have a deal & Black Widow comes out in July (Greg)

Check this Out! 

  • Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Alpha first impressions (Pat)
  • Microsoft Game Pass & Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Greg)

Story of the Week

  • Let’s pitch Star Trek 

Links & Sources

Please like, share and subscribe to “Passion of the Geek”s. We’re on all mayor podcasting services, YouTube and on www.passionofthegeeks.com

You can send questions and suggestions to passionofthegeeks@gmail.com and you can find us on twitter @passionotgeeks 

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Episode 33 – The Snyder Cut (Commentary)

For this this very special episode of “Passion of the Geeks”, Pat & Greg recorded a live commentary for “Zack Snyder’s Justice League”. Yes, live commentary, all four hours, uncut.

It’s silly, weird, barely insightful but full of passion… just like Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

You’ve been warned.

Watch “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” with us in your ear. We added chapter marks for your convenience. You should be able to select them in your pod catcher of choice but just in case here are the timecodes:

  • Introduction – 00:00:00
  • Prologue (PRESS PLAY) – 00:02:01
  • Part 1 – 00:11:43
  • Part 2 – 00:39:44
  • Part 3 – 01:11:26
  • Part 4 – 01:54:14
  • Part 5 – 02:24:42
  • Part 6 – 02:55:59
  • Epilogue – 03:36:53
  • Credits – 03:56:10

Please like, share and subscribe to “Passion of the Geek”s. We’re on all mayor podcasting services, YouTube and on www.passionofthegeeks.com

You can send questions and suggestions to passionofthegeeks@gmail.com and you can find us on twitter @passionotgeeks 

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